Friday, June 26, 2009


Famous Lebanese singer.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Article in Leftturn Magazine about Barí and ASCAMCAT

Andrew Willis Garcés put together a nice piece about the alliance between Colombia's indigenous Barí and the campesinos of ASCAMCAT in the Catatumbo region of Northeast Colombia, which was recently published in Leftturn magazine.

"To reach one of the Colombian indigenous tribes that overlaps with Venezuela, you first need to get to the town of Honduras, in the municipality of Convención in the Norte de Santander department. It is accessible by a precarious, one-lane dirt road hugging the eastern spine of the Andes Mountains; average speed, about 12 mph. From there you walk or, if you’re lucky, ride a donkey past acres of relatively new coca fields and forest being cleared for that or pasture. After four hours you’ll arrive at the state Catatumbo-Barí Forest Reserve and the small village of Bridicayra, one of the few remaining indigenous Barí settlements."

Read the rest of the article here.

Monday, June 22, 2009

People and Power: Chiquita Banana on Video

from Al-Jazeera English. Some clips of San José people! Qué bello...
You can check out more videos here.

Monday, June 8, 2009